Gross Profit for Flu Injection Prescriptions
To review gross profit for flu injection prescriptions, there are two reports you can run:
Flu Injection Summary - provides overall gross profit dollar values and percentages for new and refill/reAuth flu injection prescriptions. For more information, see Flu Injection Summary Report.
Gross Profit by Prescription - provides gross profit information for each prescription. For more information, see Gross Profit by Prescription. To generate this report for flu injection prescriptions only, select the Flu Injection Custom Class in the Criteria tab prior to previewing the report.
Troubleshooting Negative Gross Profits for Flu Injection Prescriptions
Negative gross profits for flu injection prescriptions on accounting reports can be caused by incorrect Acquisition Costs in the Drug Folders. If your pharmacy is participating in the provincial flu immunization program and using publicly supplied flu vaccines, the Acquisition Cost must correctly reflect the zero cost you incur for your flu vaccine supply.
By default, the Acquisition Cost is null if you do not monitor the Drug and receive inventory through purchase order reconciliation. In these cases, the Supplier Cost is used in place of the Acquisition Cost to calculate gross profit. As the Supplier Cost reflects the listed price of the drug from your supplier, the Supplier Cost will not be zero even if your pharmacy is participating in the flu program. This may cause gross profits to appear negative for flu injection prescriptions.
To update the Acquisition Cost in the Drug Folders:
Open the flu vaccine Drug Folder.
Select the Inventory tab.
In the Acq Cost (ut) field, enter 0.0001. The Acq Cost (pk) field automatically calculates to the appropriate value.
If the field is locked, select the Override checkbox to enable it.
Do not enter 0. If 0 is entered, it will be treated as if there is no value, and the Supplier Cost will be used to calculate gross profit.
Uncheck the Override checkbox to lock the Acq Cost fields.
Select Save.
Repeat steps 1 - 5 for the remaining flu vaccine Drug Folders.